★1日3分 英語で星の王子様(The little prince)★


個人契約の家庭教師マッチング ハッピー・チューター

1日3分 英語で星の王子さま Chapter 6~10


The little prince Chapter 6 (1日3分 英語で星の王子さま)



Ah, little prince!


So it was, gradually, that I came to understand your sadness for your little life!


For a long time, your only pleasure had been to watch the beauty of the sunset.


I learned this new detail on the morning of the fourth day when you told me:


‘I am very fond of sunsets, Let’s go this moment and watch a sunset.’


‘But we shall have to wait…’


‘Wait for what?’


‘Wait until it’s time for the sun to set.’


At first, you seemed very surprised.


Then you laughed at yourself and said:


‘I still keep thinking I’m at home!’


As everyone knows, when it is noon in the United States, the sun is setting over France.


If you could get to France in a second, you could watch a sunset right now.


Unhappily France is much too far away.


But on your little planet, little prince, all you had to do was move your chair a few steps.


And you could watch the sunset whenever you liked.


‘One day,’ you said, ‘I watched the sunset forty-five times!'


Later a little prince added:


‘You know, when you are sad, you can get to love the sunset.’


I asked, ‘Were you so sad, then, on the day when you watched the forty-five sunsets?'


But the prince didn’t answer me.




The little prince Chapter 7  (1日3分 英語で星の王子さま)


On the fifth day, thanks to the sheep, as always, I learned the secret of the little prince’s life.


He suddenly asked me a question.


It seemed he had thought about this question for a long time.


‘If a sheep eats small bushes, will it, therefore, eat flowers, too?’


‘A sheep eats everything in its path’


‘Even flowers with thorns?’


‘Yes. Even flowers with thorns.’


‘So what is the use of thorns?’


I didn’t know the answer.


At that moment I was busy trying to unscrew a bolt that had got stuck in my engine.


I was very worried because the breakdown of my plane was beginning to look extremely serious, and I did not have much drinking water.


‘So what’s the use of thorns?’


The little prince never stops asking a question once he had asked it.


I was irritated with my bolt, so I said the first thing that came into my head:


‘Thorns are of no use at all; they are simply a flower way of being spiteful!’




He was silent for a while, then he said, with a kind of bitterness.’


‘I don’t believe you! Flowers are weak, they are naive.


They are just trying to protect themselves as best they can.


They think that their thorns keep them safe.’ 


I made no answer.


At that moment I was saying to myself:


‘If this bolt resists any longer, I am going to hit it with the hammer.’


The little prince interrupted my thoughts again:


‘But as for you, you think that the flowers…’


‘Not at all! Not at all! I think nothing!


I told you the first thing that came into my head.


I am busy with serious matters!’


He stared at me in amazement.


‘Serious matters!’


He looked at me, hammer in hand, fingers black with grease,


bent over some machine that seemed very ugly with him.


‘You are talking just like a grownup!’


That made me feel a little ashamed.


But he continued, relentlessly:


‘You are confusing everything…you are mixing everything up!’


He was really very angry.


He was shaking his golden locks in the wind.


‘I know a planet where a certain red-faced gentleman lives.


He has never inhaled the scent of a flower.


He has never loved anyone, He has never done anything except add up figures.


And all day long, he talks just like you:


“I am a serious person! I am a serious person!”


And he is filled up with his own importance.


But he is not a man. He is a mushroom!’


‘A what?’


‘A mushroom!’


The little prince was now quite pale with anger.


‘For millions of years flowers have been making thorns.


For millions of years, sheep have been eating flowers none the less.


And is it not a serious matter, to try and understand why flowers go to such trouble producing thorns that will never protect them?


Is it not important, the war between sheep and flowers?


Is it not more serious and more important than the calculations of a fat red-faced gentleman?


And if I personally know a flower which is unique in the world, which exists nowhere except on my planet, and one little sheep ate it in a single bite one morning, without realizing what it is doing.


Well, that is of no importance!’


His face turned red, then continued:


"If someone loves a flower that lives on only one star among all the millions and millions of stars, that is enough to make him happy when he looks up at the night sky."


He says to himself:


“Somewhere out there is my flower.”


But if the sheep eat the flower, it is as if all the stars suddenly went out! 


And that is no importance!”


The little prince could not say any more.


He cried and cried. The night had fallen.


I had let my tools drop to the ground.


I no longer cared about my hammer, or my bolt, or about thirst or about dying.


On one star, one planet, this planet, the Earth, there was a little prince in need of consoling!


I took him in my arms.


I cradled him. I told him:


‘ The flower you love is not in any danger… I will draw you a muzzle for your sheep… I will draw you a shield to put around your flower…I will…’


I did not really know what to say.


I felt helpless.


I did not know how to reach him, where to catch up with him.


The land of tears is such a faraway place.


星の王子さま バラ


The little prince Chapter 8  (1日3分 英語で星の王子さま)


星の王子さま ばら

I soon learned about this flower more.


The flowers on the little prince’s planet had always been very simple.


They graced with just a single set of petals.


They appeared in the grass one morning, and by the evening they would be gone.


But this flower had grown one day from a seed that must have arrived from somewhere else.


And the little prince had watched carefully this shoot that looked different from the other shoots.


It might be a new type of baobab.


The little prince, who was there when the first huge bud appeared, guessed that something wonderful would come out of it, but the flower was not ready to open yet.


She chose her colors carefully.


She dressed slowly, adjusting her petals one by one.


She wanted to appear in the full radiance of her beauty.


Oh! Yes. She was very vain.


Her mysterious preparations had lasted for days and days.


And then, one morning, just as the sun came up, she finally showed herself.


After all her careful preparations, she yawned and said:


 Oh! I’ve just woken up… You must excuse me…


I still look very rumpled…


But the little prince could not contain his admiration.


He cried:


How beautiful you are!


Am I?  the flower replied sweetly.


And I was born at the same time as the sun was rising…


 It wasn’t hard for the little prince to see that she was vain, but she was so delicate and lovely.


“I think it’s time for breakfast,” she said to him.


“If you would be so kind as to give me some consideration…”


 And the little prince, covered in confusion, filled a watering can with fresh water, and watered the flower.


Then she soon began to worrying him with her vanity.


One day, for example, talking about her four thorns,


she had told the little prince:


Let the tigers come, those tigers with their claws!


There aren’t any tigers on my planet, the little prince pointed out.


And anyway they won’t eat grass.


星の王子さま バラ トラ


I’m not grass, the flower gently replied.


I’m so sorry.


I’m not afraid of tigers, but I have a horror of cold air.


You don’t have a screen, do you?


A horror of cold air…that’s unusual for a planet, the little prince thought.


This is a very difficult flower.


Every evening, you’ll have to put me under a glass cloche.


It’s very cold here. It is bad for my health. Where I come from…


星の王子さま ばら 


But she stopped herself.


She had arrived here as a seed.


She couldn’t have known anything about another planet.


ashamed that she caught in a foolish lie, she coughed a few times.


Do you have a screen?


I was just going to get it, but you were speaking to me!


So she forced another cough to feel the little prince fell bad.


So this is how the little prince, despite all his loving goodwill, soon began to doubt her.


He had trusted her trivial words, and he became unhappy.


I shouldn’t have listened to her, he said to me one day.


You should never listen to what flowers say.


You must just look at them and smell them.


My flower-filled my whole planet with her perfume, but I couldn’t enjoy it.


That story of the claws, which upset me, should have filled me with tenderness.


He kept saying:


I never understand anything.


I should have judged her by actions, not her words.


She had a beautiful perfume and she made my planet beautiful.


I should have understood the sweetness beneath her foolish strategies.


Flowers are very difficult!


But I was too young to know how to love her…


星の王子さま バラ


The little prince Chapter 9  (1日3分 英語で星の王子さま)


I think some wild birds helped the little prince to escape from his planet.


On the morning of his departure, he made his whole planet beautiful.


He carefully cleaned up all his active volcanoes.


He had two active volcanoes.


They were very useful for cooking his breakfast every morning.


He also had a sleeping one.


But, as he said, “You never know!” So he cleaned up the sleeping one as well.


If they have been cleaned, volcanoes burn gently and steadily, without any eruptions.


Volcanic eruptions are like chimney fires.


Clearly, on our planet, we are far too small to clean up our volcanoes.


That’s why they cause us so many problems.


星の王子さま 星の掃除


The little prince also, sadly, pulled up the newest baobab shoots.


He felt he would never return home. But that morning, all these familiar labors made him a bittersweet feeling.


And when he watered the flower for the last time and prepared to put her under her glass cloche, he wanted to cry.


"Goodbye,"  he said to the flower.


But she made no reply.


"Goodbye, " he said again


The flower coughed.


But it wasn’t because of the cold.


"I have been ridiculous," she finally told him. "Forgive me. Try to be happy."


He was surprised that she wasn’t angry with him.


He stood there, not knowing what to do, the cloche in his hand.


Her quiet gentleness made him surprised.


"Of course, I love you," the flower said to him.


"You never know, and it is all my fault. That does not matter.


"But you were as foolish as I was.


Try to be happy… Do not worry about the cloche.


I do not want it anymore."


"But the cold wind…"


"I am not so weak… The cool and fresh night air will do me good. I am a flower."


"But animals like tigers or something…"


"I must put up with a few caterpillars if I want to see the butterflies.


I have ever heard they are so beautiful.


If they do not come, who will visit me?


You will be far away…


And I am not afraid of them at all.


I have my thorns."


And, innocently she showed her four thorns.


Then she added:


"Do not stand around like that, it bothers me.


You have decided to leave.


Then go!"


Because she did not want him to see her crying.


She was such a proud flower…



The little prince Chapter 10  (1日3分 英語で星の王子さま)


 The little prince found that he was near asteroids 325, 326, 328, 329, and 330.


So he made up his mind to visit them.


He wanted to find something to do and to learn more about them.


The first one was inhabited by a King.


The king, dressed in a wonderful purple robe, sat on a throne which was very simple but beautiful.


 “Ah! Here is a subject!” the King exclaimed when he noticed the little prince.


 And the little prince said to himself:


 How can he recognize me?


He has never seen me before!


He didn’t know that, for kings, the world is very simple.


To them, all people are their subjects.


 “Come closer so I can look at you better”, said the King, who was extremely proud to have a subject at last.


The little prince looked all over to find a place to sit down, but the planet was entirely covered by the magnificent robe.


So he kept standing, and, as he felt tired, he yawned.


“It’s against etiquette to yawn in the presence of a King”,


The king told him. “I forbid it.”


“I couldn’t help it”, the little prince answered.


I’ve traveled a long way and I haven’t slept..”


 “All right then”, said the King, “I allow you to yawn”.


I haven’t seen anyone yawn for years.


A yawn interests me.


“Go on! Yawn again.” “It’s an order.”


 “Now I feel embarrassed.


I can’t do it anymore.”


The little prince turned red as he spoke.


“Hum! Hum!” the King replied.


In that case I…I order you to yawn sometimes and sometimes…


He stopped speaking and seemed cross.


For the King absolutely wanted to be respected.


He wouldn’t tolerate disobedience.


He was an absolute monarch.


But, as he was so sensible, he always gave reasonable orders.


He used to say: 


"If I ordered a general to change himself into a sea bird,


and the general disobeyed, it wouldn’t be the general’s fault,


It would be my fault."


“May I sit down?”  the little prince asked.


“I order you to sit down”,


the King replied, carefully moving his magnificent robe.


星の王子さま 王さま


But the little prince was astonished.


The planet was very tiny.


What did the King really reign?


“Sire,” he asked him.


“Please excuse me for asking you a question?”


The King broke in quickly: “I order you to ask me a question.”


“Sire…what do you reign over?”


“Over Everything,” answered the King, very simply.


“Over Everything?”


The King made a sweeping gesture, pointing to his planet,


the other planets and the stars.


“Overall that?” said the little prince.


“Overall that,” the King replied.


“Because not only was he an absolute monarch, but a universal one.”


“And do the stars follow your order?”


“Of course,” replied the King.


“They do what I tell them completely.


I won’t tolerate any disobedience.”


 The little prince marveled at such great power.


If he possessed such power, he could have observed not forty-five,


but seventy-five or even a hundred or two hundred sunsets in the same a day without even having to move his chair!


And as this made him feel a little bit sad, remembering the planet he had left behind, he made up his mind to ask the King for something.


“I’d like to see a sunset…


Please, do me a favor…


Order the sun to set.”


“If I ordered a general to fly from one flower to another, like a butterfly, or to change into a sea bird, and if the general did not obey the order I gave him, who would be wrong him or me?”


“It would be you,” replied the little prince, firmly.


“Exactly. You must order each person to do something which person can do,” the King replied.


“Authority comes from my reason.


If you order your subject to go and jump into the sea, it would start a revolution.


It is because my orders are reasonable that I have the right to rule as a King.”


“So what about my sunset?”


the little prince asked him again since he never forgot a question once he had asked it.


“You will have your sunset. I will order it.


But, I will wait until the time is right.


“Hm! Hm!” replied the King.


First, he consulted a big calendar, and then he said “Hm! Hm!


This evening it will be around… around… a quarter to eight.


Then you will see how well my orders are followed!


The little prince yawned.


He was sad about his missed sunset.


And then he started feeling bored.


“There’s nothing to do here,” he told the King.


“I’m going away again!”


“Don’t leave,” answered the King.


He was so proud to have a subject.


“Don’t go, I’ll make you a Minister!”


“Minister of what?”


“Minister of…Justice.”


“But there isn’t anyone here to judge!”


“You never know that,” the King told him.


“I haven’t made a tour of the kingdom yet.


I’m very old, there is no way to travel, and walking makes me tired.


“Oh! But I’ve seen it already,” said the prince, leaning over to glance again on the other side of the planet.


“There is no one living there, either


“Then, you can judge yourself,” the King answered.


“That is the most difficult thing of all.


It is much more difficult to make a judgment on yourself than on anyone else.


If you can manage to judge yourself well, you will be a wise person.


“Yes,” said the little prince, “But I can judge myself anywhere.”


I do not need to live here.


 “Hm! Hm!” said the King.


I believe that somewhere on my planet there is an old rat.


I hear him at night.


You will be able to judge this old rat.


From time to time you can sentence him to death.


So his life will depend on your justice.


But you would have to pardon him.


He is the only one we have got."


“I do not like death sentences, and I think I am going to leave,”


the little prince said.


“No!” cried the King.


 The little prince didn’t want to hurt the King’s feelings.


 “Your Majesty could give me a reasonable order.


He could, for instance, order me to leave within one minute.


I think the conditions are favorable…


The King said nothing, so the little prince hesitated at first, then he left, with a sigh.


 “I make you ambassador!” the King called after him, quickly.


He spoke with a splendid air of authority.


 “Grownups are really very strange,” said the little prince to himself,


as he went on his way.


           前のチャプターへ   次のチャプターへ






 大切なものは、目に見えない。大切なものは、心で読まなきゃ分からない。 『1日3分 英語で星の王子様(The little prince)』は、2015年にパブリックドメインとなった、アントワーヌ・ド・サン=テグジュペリの『星の王子様(The little prince)』を題材に楽しく英語を学んでいこうという趣旨のメルマガです。  毎日負担にならない量の英文を楽しく読んでいくことで、英語力の維持・向上に役立ててもらいたいとの思いから、このメルマガを創刊いたしました。

























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